IRA takes another initiative to put arms beyond use
"The leadership of Oglaigh na h-Eireann has taken another initiative to put arms beyond use. This follows detailed discussions between our representative and the IICD (Independent International Commission on Decommissioning).
This initiative is unilateral at a time when there are those who are not fulfilling their obligations. It could be argued that the IRA should not take such an initiative, but it is precisely because of this that an initiative has been undertaken, so the peace process can be stabilised, sustained and strengthened. We fully appreciate the difficulties this causes for republicans, however the IRA is a highly disciplined and committed organisation.
This is a leadership initiative.
We are relying on the discipline and commitment of our support base and our volunteers. We remain committed to achieving our republican objectives. However, the securing of a democratic peace settlement is not solely a task for Irish republicans and we are mindful of the primary obligation of the British government and of the Unionist leadership.
"This process can work if there is the political will to make it succeed , the IRA has once again demonstrated that will."
P O'Neill, Irish Republican Publicity Bureau, Dublin