Sinn Féin - On Your Side

The Choice For Change - GE24 Manifesto

18 November, 2024

In this General Election, you have a clear choice. A choice between the disappointments and failures of the past or a future of hope and change with a government that cares about you and has the detailed plans to deliver for you, your family, your community and for Ireland.

Tá rogha shoiléir agat san olltoghchán seo - rogha idir díomá agus cliseadh na laethanta atá thart, agus todhchaí gheal dóchais faoi cheannas rialtais a bhfuil suim aige ionat agus a bhfuil na pleananna mionsonraithe leagtha amach aige chun an fód a sheasamh duit féin, do do theaghlach, do do phobal agus d’Éirinn.

View or download a PDF of our GE24 Election Manifesto here