September 18, 2023
Finucane supports legal challenges against ‘cynical and cruel’ Legacy Bill

Sinn Féin MP John Finucane has supported families taking legal action against the British government’s ‘cynical and cruel’ Legacy Bill and repeated calls for the Irish government to take an interstate case against the British government.

Speaking after it was announced that legal firms have issued cases against the Legacy Bill on behalf of eleven families, the North Belfast MP said:

“I support legal challenges at the Belfast High Court against the British government’s flawed and irredeemable Legacy Bill.

“It is absolutely cynical and cruel that the British government has forced through this bill despite clear opposition from victims, all the political parties in this island, human rights experts, churches, the US, UN, EU and the Irish government.

“I am calling on the Irish government to confront this denial of human rights and breach of international human rights law through an interstate case and international action against the British government.

“Sinn Féin will continue to stand with families in their campaigns for truth and justice, many of whom have been campaigning with dignity and determination for five decades.” 

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