July 19, 2023
Hazzard hits out at Paisley comments on legal representative

South Down MP Chris Hazzard has condemned comments made by Ian Paisley in Westminster this week about a legal representative of the family of Colum Marks.

The South Down MP said:

“Ian Paisley’s comments in relation to a legal representative of Colum Marks’ family and the inferences made are dangerous and hark back to darker times. 

“MPs should not be hiding behind parliamentary privilege to engage in commentary of this type. 

“All public representatives have a responsibility to be mindful of their language in the course of the ongoing legacy debate and to consider the impact their words and actions can have on the safety of legal professionals as well as on victims and their families.

“The Marks’ family are entitled to truth and justice and Sinn Féin will continue to support them in their campaign.” 

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