Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Cartlann Doiciméad Polasaí

Breathnaigh, roinn nó íoslódáil ár ndoiciméid polasaí deireanacha sa rannóg cartlainne speisialta seo.

This report reflects observations on creating efficiencies in the health service and opportunities for policy development gleaned from a series of engagements by Sinn Féin over three months across 14 hospitals and 14 constituencies across the island. These engagements have revealed that there is a real appetite and vision for change right across the health service and the health and social care workforce. This report outlines the findings from this series of engagements and lays out, in broad terms, the root causes of ever-expanding hospital waiting lists alongside a series of practical, realistic, and deliverable solutions to make the health service work better.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s strategy for an ambitious decarbonisation of the energy system in the North of Ireland which underpins the party’s ambition to lead a Just Transition to a net zero carbon society on the island of Ireland by at least 2050. Sinn Féin’s strategy is one of advancing social and economic justice side-by-side with climate justice, ensuring that the transition towards a carbon neutral society is accompanied by a reshaping of the economy to create a more democratic, equal, and sustainable society. This document lays out in broad terms Sinn Féin’s approach to beginning a just energy transition, that will create warmer homes, good green collar jobs, healthier and more efficient means of travel, cleaner and cheaper energy, and decent public transport for all.

This document outlines the findings of Sinn Féin’s survey regarding access to GP services across the north. Responses to the survey revealed that pressures on GP surgeries and shortages of healthcare staff have resulted in patients not getting access to the care they need. Sinn Féin therefore advocate that the Department of Health provide for more staff to meet the needs of patients in the community by accelerating plans to put more mental health professionals, nurses and physiotherapists in GP practices and by recruiting and training additional vaccinators to work alongside GPs to alleviate the additional pressures currently being felt in GP surgeries.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s plan for tourism which would create jobs, help rebuild the economy and put money in people’s pockets by making sure tourism thrives in the north and across the island. Sinn Féin’s plan would develop tourism on an all-island basis, extending the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s Hidden Heartlands and Ireland’s Ancient East into the north to attract even more visitors, boost the all-island economy and create jobs.

Quality Care for All

9 September, 2021

This document outlines a series of policy and legislative reforms to strengthen regulation and clinical governance in nursing homes and the social care sector as the pandemic revealed that regulation in sector is not up to standard. Sinn Féin aims to redress the shortcomings within the sector by calling for an inquiry to examine neglect, abuse, and deaths in nursing homes during the pandemic, enacting new adult safeguarding and safety legislation, empowering HIQA to improve standards and accountability in the sector and establishing a new Office of the Chief Health and Social Care Professional to better regulate and devise policy for social care professions.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s proposals to invest in future generations of Irish sports stars by ensuring that sporting and recreational facilities are delivered into communities in a way which is fairer, more targeted and more efficient. Too often, the clubs which are bigger, more affluent and more established have a major advantage over smaller, new clubs. Fairer processes would ensure that an audit is done on facilities and then based on need and demand, resources would be allocated. Sinn Féin’s proposals will ensure that everyone gets a fair chance and a fair opportunity to reach their full potential.

This paper outlines Sinn Féin’s call for the government to halt incoherent and ill-timed plans to cut the Pandemic Unemployment Payment and to transition people from the PUP to Jobseekers on 7th September, despite some sectors still being closed due to public health advice. These workers are not jobseekers, they are merely being prevented from returning to their jobs due to public health restrictions. Sinn Féin instead advocate the continuation of PUP at current rates, to be reviewed quarterly.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s plan to expand the school transport system which would see an additional 17,000 seats funded on the School Transport Scheme in the next academic year and the elimination of fees over a five-year government term, removing the yearly stress for thousands of families trying to secure a seat on their local school bus. Sinn Féin’s plans would add more buses and routes, reduce carbon emissions from the transport sector, cut back school costs for families, and encourage the use of public transport from a young age.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s proposals to modernise gambling regulations in the South, making them fit-for-purpose to tackle problem gambling in 2021. Current legislation is decades out of date and has failed to keep pace with the online world, resulting in our young people in particular being exposed to often predatory forms of online advertising and gambling. Sinn Féin’s policies would see real regulation on advertising, a social fund to support gambling addiction services, a ban on gambling with credit cards and other real protections for those harmed by gambling.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s strategy to bring vacant homes in Cork back into the housing stock for the thousands on the social housing waiting lists and the tens of thousands locked out of home ownership. Sinn Féin’s plan involves conducting a complete audit of all vacant stock and setting multi-annual targets for the return of these, renovating and giving out social houses as soon as they become vacant in a fast-tracked voids scheme among other ambitious policies which will bring homes in Cork back to use and start solving this Housing Crisis.

This policy report investigates the use of social clauses in public procurement and outlines a strategy for a new approach to procurement in the South to maximise the social value that can arise from the spending of public money. The report examines how social clauses in procurement contracts can be used to support environmental goals, to increase labour standards, labour activation and the creation of apprenticeships/ training, or to promote the participation of SMEs and those from marginalised groups in order to ensure that public spending promotes the public good.

This document outlines a €914m package of proposals to boost spending on the health service in order to drastically shorten waiting lists and ensure the system is prepared to meet the demands of catch-up care post-Covid. Sinn Féin’s plan includes policies to increase the number of beds, to fill consultant posts and to hire additional hospital staff among other detailed, fully-costed and deliverable proposals to end the scandal of waiting lists and ensure patients get the timely healthcare they need.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s vision to promote an all-island cooperative approach for our fishing industry that seeks a fair allocation of the national fishery resource to all of our coastal communities. This includes full fishing rights to the waters around this island and equal access to piers, harbours and ports for fishermen that are resident on this island and to work towards the harmonisation of fishery licensing and regulation on the island. 

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s proposals to protect the not-for-profit, community-based model of the Local Employment Services (LES) and Job Clubs in response to the government’s shocking decision to continue with the tender for a new for-profit employment service model which could push people into unsuitable, short-term positions. Instead, Sinn Féin propose scaling up existing employment services to ensure areas which do not currently have LES or Job Clubs can avail of these high-quality services, integrating Job Clubs into the current model of LES, and continuing community-based wrap-around supports in order to ensure the availability of decent employment services for all.

This policy document outlines Sinn Féin's proposals which would deliver a much-needed and long-overdue reform of the healthcare system to ensure women and girls can get access to the appropriate, modern services that they need in a timely way. The policies include ending maternity restrictions for partners and supporting individuals, ensuring full public ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital, plans for a universal contraception scheme for young women aged 17 to 25 among other clear, detailed, and deliverable proposals to meet women’s needs.

This policy document sets out Sinn Féin’s proposals to revolutionise how addiction and recovery are approached in Ireland, by viewing addiction as a healthcare issue and calling for a community-led approach. It puts forward ambitious and deliverable proposals which would help people with addiction towards recovery and ensure they get the support they need while also ensuring that there would be support for the wider communities.

This document is Sinn Féin’s detailed submission to the Minister for Housing’s new Housing for All plan which prioritises a doubling of capital investment in public housing from €1.4bn to at least €2.8bn. The document calls for the new plan to be radical, ambitious and prioritise the delivery of genuinely affordable cost rental and purchase homes, as well as to ramp up the real social housing delivery targets to 20,000 per year, which can only be achieved by doubling capital investment.

This policy document sets out Sinn Féin’s proposals to stand up for Family Carers and ensure they get the break they need by delivering vital financial and emotional support. This Charter is a fully costed package of proposals which will give carers the support they deserve and should be entitled to after years of being failed by successive governments.

This policy document sets out a series of actions and initiatives to tackle sectarian divisions and advance national reconciliation and healing. These proposals include the incorporation of a citizens’ anti-sectarian charter within institutions across the island, the establishment of a civic forum in the north to encourage cross-community solidarity in civic society and the introduction of an all-island reconciliation strategy under the auspices of the North South Ministerial Council.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s proposals for a fair recovery for workers, businesses and young people. Sinn Féin’s plan will support businesses to sustain existing jobs and to create new jobs by maximising our economic potential as part of the EU single market and All-Ireland economy.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s detailed plans to save and revitalise the historic 1916 Moore Street Quarter. Sinn Féin’s proposals will protect our revolutionary history, language and culture while revitalising the area, attracting jobs and tourism, and turning the tide of decades of neglect by successive governments. Moore Street is too important to be left in the hands of private developers who use our city for soulless commercial projects which destroy our heritage and fail to benefit local communities.

Community Wealth Building

19 March, 2021

Sinn Fein’s Community Wealth Building proposals aim to use local and regional land and assets in such a way that adds wealth to our communities instead of extracting it. It includes policies to develop shorter supply chains and targeted procurement contracts; social ownership models; partnerships with key institutions to create local high-quality employment and plans to use resources to generate community wealth. These policies will not only build a more inclusive economy for all but will also help mitigate climate change through shorter supply chains and sustainable local employment.

Our Mental Health Crisis

16 March, 2021

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s plan that would deliver significant emergency investment in mental health care to meet the 'Tsunami of mental health need' as a result of the pandemic. This includes polices which would address waiting lists and immediate demand, help increase capacity and recruitment for the long term, while also providing for the establishment of a 24/7 crisis ambulance and universal access to counselling services.

This document outlines Sinn Féin’s proposals to deal with the massive driving test and lessons backlog that has built up as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This document sets out Sinn Fein’s ambitious and radical policies for tackling regional inequality in the North which will boost employment, the economy and transform our society. This document sets out policies which create and support job opportunities and apprenticeships, improve access to skills and training, and tackle long-term unemployment, poverty, deprivation and inequality.

This policy document involves a critical assessment of the government’s plan to introduce a state-backed Shared Equity Loan scheme as a means of delivering affordable homes. This document sets out how shared equity loans do not in fact make homes more affordable but is rather another developer-led plan that is not sufficient to address the housing crisis.

This document outlines how the true level of those experiencing homelessness is at least 20% greater than what official government figures show. It looks at the figures of homeless persons omitted from the government’s statistics for political purposes, including many of those in emergency accommodation and direct provision centres. Such statistics distort the true level of need for housing.  

Dealing With Debt

7 December, 2020

This policy document sets out Sinn Féin’s policies to support families who are struggling with debt. These proposals include establishing a Rent Arrears Mechanism, capping interest rates charged by moneylenders, transforming MABs into a One Stop Shop for debt resolution, widening access to existing Debt Settlement Arrangements while also ensuring that adequate mental health supports are available.

The COVID-19 Vaccine

3 December, 2020

This document sets out Sinn Fein’s recommendations to ensure that the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine is free, fair, and transparent. Included are recommendations for ensuring maximal access and uptake, for managing effective storage, distribution, and administration and significantly, for all-Ireland proofing the roll-out of the vaccine.

This policy document sets out the economic advantages of a United Ireland for all of the people of Ireland. By analysing the enduring economic costs of partition, the contemporary economic crises of a Tory Brexit and COVID-19, Sinn Féin explores how a United Ireland within the European Union could create a more prosperous, democratic, and green all-Ireland economy for all going forward.