Sinn Féin - On Your Side

Latest statements


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Social Protection, Claire Kerrane TD, has called on the government to remove the profit-focused approach set out in a tender for the expansion of Local Employment Services (LES).

The request for tender is open to applications for the rollout of a new model of contracted public employment service in four areas. This is the first of two tenders. The terms included in the tender have caused significant concern about the quality and future of Local Employment Services. 

Speaking having raised concerns with An Tánaiste in the Dáil last week, Teachta Kerrane said:

“Having been kept in the dark about the changes to Local Employment Services for so long, we are finally seeing a Request For Tender which encourages a ruthless shift to ‘services’ which focus on profit over people.

“There had been much concern that the tender would threaten the community-based and not-for-profit ethos of existing services, which have been very successful and are well-regarded. The reality is much, much worse and is a serious cause for concern.

“The ‘payment by results’ model put forward in the tender tells us that the government are looking to implement employment services which focus on quantity over quality.

“We heard last week that the government plan to accelerate employment, which is welcome. However, forcing people into a cycle of jobs which are not suitable or sustainable is unacceptable.

“This is not the person-centred approach so successfully fostered by the Local Employment Services and will only result in a focus on profit-driven results which leaves those who need these services behind. What we are seeing proposed is ‘JobPath 2.0’.

“Sinn Féin have long campaigned against privatisation of job activation services, like the disastrous JobPath scheme, which has cost close to €300m since 2015. We remain strongly opposed to the government’s move to a commercialised and commodified model of employment service provision.

“We recognise that the Local Employment Service is sought-after, but the service is currently unavailable in several Counties. While the extension of employment services to areas which do not currently have them is welcome, commercialisation is not the answer. Instead, we propose the scaling up of the existing model of Local Employment Services to ensure continuity of quality and reputation of these services.

“People deserve quality employment services and we know that organisations already working in this area have experience, expertise and ethics at the heart of the work they do.  We are calling on the Minister for Social Protection to withdraw and review this tender immediately.

“Existing local employment services must be protected, and we will oppose any attempt by government to profit from the exploitation of people.”


Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn has launched an online petition calling for more investment in services to support people with eating disorders.  

The West Belfast MLA said: 

“It’s time to invest and improve services for people with eating disorders. 

“I’m launching this petition today to ensure the voice of people with eating disorders is heard and a dedicated inpatient and outpatient service is established. 

“The Department of Health need to put proper mental health services in place. 

“Referrals to eating disorder services have jumped by over 40 percent so we need urgent action to support people and families impacted. 

 “People must be able to access what could be life-saving services when they need them.

“The petition can be accessed here: – it only takes a few seconds to sign. You can make a difference.” 


Sinn Féin workers' rights spokesperson Jemma Dolan MLA has welcomed the decision by NIPSA to recognise and promote the Irish Language. 

The passing of motions 101 and 104 at the NIPSA conference will ensure that the Irish language is put on an equal footing in terms of communication to members and that placards for industrial disputes will also include the Irish Language.

Jemma Dolan said:

"I warmly welcome the passing of these motions by NIPSA members and the endorsement that has been given to Irish Language by this trade union.

"The Irish language belongs to all of us and these motions enshrine the role of the language in civic dialogue and industrial relations.

"Giving workers' representatives the opportunity to communicate workers' rights issues through the medium of Irish is a really progressive step and I hope that other unions will follow suit and ensure that the Irish Language is displayed in campaigns for better rights and entitlements for workers." 


Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan has welcomed the announcement by the Communities Minister that she has appointed an expert panel to carry out a review of the Discretionary Support Fund. 

The Foyle MLA said: 

“The announcement of this review is clear evidence that the Minister is listening to concerns and is committed to making improvements where necessary.  

“Since coming into post and in response to the pandemic the Minister Hargey has made a number of changes including increasing the income threshold, introducing an online and shorter application process and raising awareness of this fund. 

“I would like to commend her determination to make this effective by commissioning this thorough and transparent review through a panel of experts on this issue.”


Sinn Féin MLA Caoimhe Archibald has welcomed the move by Lidl Ireland to introduce paid bereavement leave for early pregnancy loss or miscarriage. 

Caoimhe Archibald said: 

"I welcome the move by Lidl Ireland to introduce paid bereavement leave for early pregnancy loss or miscarriage for its workers. 

"This would provide support for workers at a very traumatic and difficult time in their lives and represents an important step forward for workers' rights. 

"I would encourage more companies to follow this lead in the interests of workers. 

"The Parental Bereavement Bill is currently going through the Assembly and I look forward to helping to shape that bill so that it delivers for workers facing the most difficult of circumstances."


Sinn Féin TD for Meath East Darren O'Rourke has today called on News Corp UK and Ireland to honour all existing agreements governing employment practices at the Smurfit Kappa News Press in Kells in the case that the proposed bid by KIP Ltd. to acquire the company is successful. 

KIP Ltd. is an indirect wholly-owned incorporated subsidiary of News Corp UK and Ireland.

Teachta O'Rourke made the call in advance of a demonstration at the factory site at Kells Business Park today at 4.30pm.

Teachta O’Rourke said:

"Workers at Smurfit Kappa News Press in Kells are very concerned that their terms and conditions of employment, including redundancy entitlements, will be hollowed out as part of this proposed acquisition. 

“This would be completely unacceptable. These terms and conditions have been arduously negotiated and agreed over recent years. They must be maintained.

"News Corp UK and Ireland must now commit to the continuation of all current agreements governing employment practices at the Kells plant. 

“They should do that immediately. Anything less will only serve to confirm the suspicions of workers that this acquisition is a strategic one and will be used to avoid existing commitments.

"Many of the workers have decades of loyal service to Smurfit, which is a successful and profitable company. They are understandably concerned at the proposed transaction. 

“I relayed those concerns to the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar, in the Dáil last month. The Minister should now seek these same commitments from News UK and Ireland as I have.

"A demonstration will take place at the factory site at Kells Business Park today at 4.30pm to highlight the concerns of workers." 


Speaking after reports that two senior unionist politicians Carla Lockhart and Doug Beattie attended an illegal march in Portadown yesterday led by men wearing balaclavas Sinn Féin MLA John O’Dowd said:

“The media has reported today that DUP MP Carla Lockhart and the new UUP leader Doug Beattie attended yesterday’s illegal march in Portadown which was led by men wearing balaclavas, one of whom was carrying a UVF flag.

“There is no place for theses sinister displays of aggression and intimidation in our society and the DUP and the UUP need to make that clear to the public.

“The question many people in this community are asking today is who exactly is leading political unionism.

“Is this the ‘new inclusive’ brand of unionism which Doug Beattie claims to espouse stripped bare for all to see, just more of the same old coat trailing and flag waving and sticking two fingers up to your neighbours?

“The PSNI has said that it will be investigating breaches of the law at this illegal march and I am sure that Doug Beattie and Carla Lockhart will co-operate with those inquiries.”


Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy has said the British government’s secretary of state for the North acted like a viceroy in appointing a Special Envoy to the US without consulting the Executive.

The Mid Ulster MP said:

“Brandon Lewis acted like a viceroy of old in appointing a special envoy to the US without any consultation with the Executive.

“He needs to realise the days are gone when the British government can do what they like in the north.

“There are democratically elected leaders in place and Brandon Lewis cannot simply ride roughshod over that.

“This is yet another example of the British government’s capricious attitude to the north and its people.

“The only thing we want from Brandon Lewis or any British secretary of state is our democratic right to determine our own future in a referendum on how this island should be governed.” 


Sinn Féin national chairperson and minister in the northern Executive Declan Kearney said today the new DUP leadership needs to recognise that power sharing is a two-way street and that discrimination against any citizen is unacceptable.

In a blog published in An Phoblacht today the South Antrim MLA said that political unionism is in disarray mainly as a result of the self inflicted consequences of their reckless support for Brexit which led to the recent coup in the DUP.

Declan Kearney said:

“Sinn Féin wants this power sharing Executive to deliver on housing, economic growth, and new capacity in the health service.

“Our party has brought forward a strategy for the most ambitious expansion of public housing in the six counties since 1970, which will guarantee investment to build new stock, and create an associated economic stimulus. 

"We have called for a ‘health summit’, including all stakeholders, to strategically address hospital waiting lists. 

"We believe this all-party Executive should prioritise development of an economic and industrial growth plan, through structured partnership with our employers‘ organisations and the trade union movement.

“Sinn Féin wants ambitious strategies to target inward investment across the north, and to provide increased support for our local manufacturing, and small/medium enterprises sectors.

“But our good will should not be taken for granted.

“Power sharing is a two-way street. Rights are not negotiable. Discrimination against any citizen, or section of society is unacceptable. Everyone is entitled to equality.

“All the negotiations are concluded.

“Citizens will no longer tolerate political institutions, which do not realise their social, economic and political expectations or aspirations.”

Declan Kearney continued:

"Huge questions exist about the DUP’s future commitment to implementing proper power sharing.

“If the DUP is to be assessed by its record to date, within the political institutions, and particularly in the period from August 2013 onwards, then there is cause for concern.

“Political unionism, and the DUP particularly, is in a state of disarray, due mainly to the self inflicted consequences of their reckless support for Brexit, and the inevitable, calamitous consequences which have been created. The coup against the DUP leader five weeks ago is a direct result.

"Brexit, the fallout from the Protocol, and impacts of the pandemic, have fundamentally realigned politics in the north.”

And he said that In the centenary year of Ireland's partition, the political discourse is now dominated by a momentum for Irish unity.

“The prospect of an eventual unity referendum provides a choice for citizens - between a union with an increasingly unstable, inward looking, Tory dominated, Brexit Britain - or the opportunity to be part of a new, outward looking, modern, pluralist Ireland.

“Many have decided that their interests will be better served in a new Irish constitutional democracy; others are now giving such a scenario very serious consideration, as an alternative to the current status quo.” 

Full blog available here -


Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán and Joint Head of Government Michelle O’Neill has said the announcement that the British Secretary of State has unilaterally appointed a Special Envoy to the US is ‘arrogant and disrespectful’.

Michelle O’Neill said: 

“Brandon Lewis’ decision to make such an appointment directly relating to the North’s interests and priorities without consulting the democratically mandated Executive smacks of Tory arrogance and disrespect.

“That is not an acceptable way of doing business. 

“The Executive has a permanent diplomatic mission based in Washington DC which comprises civil servants under the auspices of The Executive Office.

“It has proven to be effective and we do not need interference from the Tories in how we engage with the US administration, Congress, or the Irish-American community.

“I consider this announcement to be yet another attempt by this Tory Government to undermine devolution, locally elected Ministers and our institutions of government. 

“This is in addition to their announcement by a Whitehall department to establish an office in Belfast, which is frankly needless. 

“I intend raising these concerns with the British Secretary of State at the earliest opportunity. No power-grab or undermining of devolution will be entertained.”


Sinn Féin MLA John O’Dowd has called on the PSNI to investigate alleged breaches of parade legislation at today’s loyalist protest in Portadown.

The Upper Bann MLA said:

“Several hundred protesters gathered in Portadown town centre today.

“An unnotified band parade also took place with the town centre basically closed down by the protest.

“While everyone has a right to peaceful protest there is an onus on everyone to act within the law.

“The Unionist strategy of marching people to the top of the hill only to abandon them has a long tradition of failure.

“Unionist leaders should pursue common cause with Irish nationalists and republicans instead of pursuing English nationalists who care not one jot for them.”


Sinn Féin spokespersons Darren O'Rourke TD and Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire TD have today launched a survey on School Bus Transport.

Spokesperson on Climate Action, Communications Networks and Transport, Teachta O'Rourke, said:

"Today we are launching a survey for parents and guardians to understand their experience of the School Bus Transport Scheme. We want to hear from those who avail of the scheme and those who, for whatever reason, do not.

"The potential of expanding the School Bus Transport Scheme has a wide range of potential benefits, not least from a climate perspective. Transport accounts for 20% of our overall emissions so the potential of shifting from car to bus for the school run is very important."

Spokesperson on Education, Teachta Ó Laoghaire said:

"There is significant scope to enhance the School Bus Transport Scheme. We know the scheme is over-subscribed every year and that many school children are excluded from it for a range of reasons, meaning alternative arrangements have to be made. We want to hear about that.

"For those who avail of the scheme, we want to know how they think it could be improved. For those who do not, we want to know why and what might encourage them to shift.”

The survey, which will help inform Sinn Féin policy, runs until June 21st, and can be completed here


Sinn Féin Senator Lynn Boylan has said that she believes it is possible to create a city where ordinary people can afford a home, raise their children and have a decent life. 

Senator Boylan has been selected as the Sinn Féin candidate for the Dublin Bay South by-election and urged voters to use this opportunity to send a very clear message to government that change is needed and that change is possible.

She added that the choice for voters is to vote for a government candidate who will take the side of vulture funds or a Sinn Féin candidate that will take the side of renters and people who want to own their own home.

Senator Boylan said:

“This by-election is about housing. It is a chance for people to show that they want change.

“They have had enough of out-of-control rents and being locked out of home ownership.

“I am in politics to make a difference, to get things done, to stand up for people and to deliver Irish Unity.

“My record is as a campaigner – for the Stardust families, on climate issues, on housing, on women’s rights – as both an MEP and as a Senator.

“When I was two, my father, a Dublin bus driver, and my mother, a stay-at-home parent, were able to get a mortgage and buy a home. 

“For young couples today that is simply not possible. This has to change.

“I believe we can create a city where ordinary people can afford a home, raise their children and have a decent life. 

“But to do that you have to vote for change. You have to send this government a very clear message. 

“The choice in the Dublin Bay South by-election is to elect another government TD who will back vulture funds and landlords or a vote for change, a vote for Sinn Féin.”


MacManus brings MICA Scandal to the attention of European Commission

Sinn Féin MEP highlights plight of home owners to EU 

Sinn Fein MEP Chris MacManus has written to the European Commission highlighting the inadequate redress scheme for homeowners across the north-west, affected by the Mica scandal. The Midlands North West MEP has asked the Commission to examine the lack of consumer protection provided to the families affected.

MacManus said:

“Thousands of families in our constituency whose homes were built with defective blocks containing Mica, causing buildings to disintegrate and plastering to crack and crumble, have been left devastated. As we are only too well aware, many of these homes have to be demolished.”

“The current Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme for those affected is inadequate as it only covers up to 90% of the remediation costs. In many instances, affected homeowners are being straddled with up to 50% of the remediation costs. This is completely unacceptable.”

“Families in Dublin and parts of Leinster who availed of the Pyrite Remediation Scheme in the past received 100% redress and rightly so.”

“This is in stark contrast to how the families affected by the Mica scandal have been treated. The Government needs to act and make the Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme a 100% fully funded scheme. The families affected deserve fairness.”

MacManus concluded, “I have written to the European Commission to highlight the inadequate redress scheme and the lack of consumer protection for the Mica affected families. Sinn Fein will continue to pursue this issue at Dáil and EU level until an adequate redress scheme is put in place. There can be no excuses.” ENDS


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Education Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire TD has said that it was entirely predictable that students would miss out on written exams because of self-isolation, and that a back-up paper should have been prepared.

Teachta Ó Laoghaire said:

"The Limerick Leader reported last night that the Covid outbreak there will lead to several students missing out on their written exams. 

“I read this news with some frustration as I have been raising this danger for several months now, but I expect with not half as much frustration as the students themselves or their families.

"These are students who made a conscious decision to take these exams. They studied, they completed projects and sat oral exams. 

“None of that work will now count towards their Leaving Cert, through no fault of their own, as they have to self-isolate.

"This was entirely foreseeable, and there should have been a contingency plan there for them.

"I raised this months ago with the Minister, in several meetings and on the Dáil floor. 

“I urged her to provide a back-up paper. In a normal year, there are back-up papers in case the main paper is compromised, or for students who are sick or bereaved. 

“It is therefore absolutely crazy that this was not done this year, during a pandemic, when it was quite obvious that some students were going to be affected, and have to self-isolate.

"These Limerick students now look like they will be the victims of the Minister's failure to put in place a very simple plan B; a back-up paper.

"I would urge the Minister to engage with the SEC urgently and, if at all possible, even at this late stage to provide a back-up paper.

"The Leaving Cert this year has been all about choice, and rightly so.

“Sinn Féin supported the call of students for choice and commended the Minister for backing that. 

“But choice has been robbed of these students because of the Department's failure to prepare a contingency for a very obvious and foreseeable risk. 

“It is beyond frustrating and every effort should be made to facilitate these students.”


Sinn Féin MLA Sinead Ennis has said reports of possible cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in Kilkeel are concerning and encouraged people to cooperate with public health authorities.

The South Down MLA said:

“News from the Public Health Agency of probable cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in Kilkeel is concerning.

“The Public Health Agency are encouraging asymptomatic people in the area to get tested to help stop any possible spread.

“I would ask people to follow the public health guidelines to keep themselves and others safe.”


Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn has welcomed a plan to promote cycling in Belfast but said investment is needed to support the strategy. 

The West Belfast MLA said: 

"I welcome this Belfast Cycling Network plan and look forward to its delivery. 

"We now need to see it progress and that will need investment. Only 2% of the Department for Infrastructure's budget went towards active travel last year, which is clearly not good enough.

"Cycling can improve people's health and help tackle pollution but we need to see the cycling infrastructure in place to convince people to get on their bikes. 

“I will continue to call for proper cycling infrastructure In Belfast and hope this plan will mean more investment in active travel."


Senator Lynn Boylan has this evening been selected by the Sinn Féin membership in Dublin Bay South to contest the upcoming by-election in the constituency.

Speaking after her selection this evening, Lynn Boylan said:

“It is a great honour to be selected to contest the upcoming by-election for Sinn Féin. 

“Nowhere is the crisis in housing more evident than in Dublin Bay South.

“Workers and families are saddled with out of control rents and a whole generation are locked out of home ownership.

“That must change.

“We need a new approach to tackling the crisis created by ten years of Fine Gael in government.

“Sinn Féin have a real plan to cut rents, to ban rent increases and to increase the supply of affordable homes for workers and families.

“This election is a clear choice between endorsing the government’s record or voting for a new approach - that is the choice facing the people of Dublin Bay South.”

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD said:

“Lynn Boylan brings a wealth of experience as a candidate to this election. 

“She has a proven track record as a campaigner and as a public representative.

“She is the only credible voice for a new approach to housing in this election.

“Last year’s general election showed change is possible - but only if you vote for it. 

“It also showed Sinn Féin can win in any constituency.

“This by-election offers a straight choice - for something new, for change or for more of the same bad policies and disconnected politics.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Fisheries and the Marine Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD has called on Minister Charlie McConalogue to engage with his Department of Marine officials, the Sea Fisheries Protection Agency (SFPA) and the European Commission to ensure that a fish-weighing system can be established at Killybegs.

Teachta Mac Lochlainn was speaking after the High Court ruled against the SFPA for its failure to approve the conveyor belt fish-weighing system.

Teachta Mac Lochlainn said:

“Today’s ruling is a welcome decision and vindicates what fishers and their representative bodies have been saying for quite some time now that there is no legal basis to concerns raised by the SFPA through the European Commission about this fish weighing system.

“The truth is that this should never have had to go to court. It is a reflection of the state of the relationship between the SFPA and the fishing industry. 

“This ruling will only add to the widespread view amongst fishers and fish producers that the SFPA is an organisation that is not fit for purpose and in need of urgent reform.

“This outcome must also be a wake-up call for the Minister for the Marine Charlie McConalogue. 

“He must now urgently intervene in this issue and engage with his Department of Marine officials, the SFPA and the European Commission to ensure that a fish-weighing system can be established at Killybegs and across the state that is fair, reasonable and protects the freshness and quality of our seafood produce.

“He must also finally listen to our fishers and fish producers and ensure that the previous agreements on the weighing of fish in this state are reinstated.”


Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children Kathleen Funchion TD has urged Commissioners of the Mother and Baby Homes Commission to ‘do the right thing’ by survivors and come before the Oireachtas Committee on Children.

Teachta Funchion is Chair of the Oireachtas Committee.

Speaking this afternoon, Teachta Funchion said:

“This afternoon the Oireachtas Committee on Children wrote to all three commissioners and re-issued our invitation for them to come before the committee and answer important questions which survivors have.

“We have proposed the date of 17th June, but will be flexible to accommodate the Commissioners at a time when they are available.

“We had previously invited them earlier this year and were disappointed when the invitation was declined.

“I believe it is vital that survivors can get answers to the very reasonable questions that they have. Many survivors have been left distressed and re-traumatised by the way in which the Commission has gone about its work and particularly in the aftermath following the report’s publication.

“I was shocked to see one Commissioner speaking at an academic event earlier this week about her work on the Commission, when she had previously declined by request to appear before the Oireachtas Committee. Some of the remarks made by Professor Daly during this week’s seminar were deeply concerning and risk undermining her work and that of the commission.

“I hope that Professor Daly and indeed all of the Commissioners will accept the Oireachtas Committee’s invitation this time, as an opportunity to give survivors the answers they deserve and address ongoing concerns.

“Survivors deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion. This report has profound implications for their lives and they have a right to transparency and accountability from the Commission.

“I remain committed to getting this truth and accountability on behalf of survivors and am appealing to the Commissioners to do the right thing here."

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